Saturday, September 14, 2013

Measurement of the insulation resistance

- the insulation resistance must be measured with amegohmmeter (external or with standalone source) at a minimum voltage of 500 VDC - the assembly being tested must be turned off and there must be no receiver devices connected - all the breaking devices must be in position i (on) ...

Enclosure resistance to damp

This test, carried out in accordance with standard ieC 60068-2-3, checks that the insulation characteristics of the enclosure, busbars and conductor supports are not affected after 4 hours' exposure in a steam chest (40°C at 95% relative humidity). the insulation used has a tracking current resistance of at least 400 V, which means it is not very sensitive to damp (group...

Sheet Metal Powder Coating Process

   >> What is Powder Coating? Powder coating is a commonly used surface finishing technique. It is a type of coating that is applied as a free-flowing, dry powder. The powder coating process involves applying a finely ground resin (powder) to a substrate and subjecting...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Parts of IEC 61439 series

Parts of IEC 61439 series   IEC 61439-1 General rules   IEC 61439-2 Power switchgear and control gear ASSEMBLIES (Replacing IEC 60439-1)   IEC 61439-3 Distribution boards (to supersede IEC 60439-3)   IEC 61439-4 ASSEMBLIES for construction sites (to supersede IEC 60439-4)   IEC 61439-5 ASSEMBLIES for power distribution (to supersede...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The salt spray test

The salt spray test is a standardized test method used to check corrosion resistance of coated samples. Coatings provide corrosion resistance to metallic parts made of steel, zamak or brass. Since coatings can provide a high corrosion resistance through the intended life of the part in use, it is necessary to check corrosion resistance by other means. Salt spray test is an accelerated corrosion...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Check list of checks to be made during the final quality inspection (How to assemble a switchboard guide)

Compliance checks >>Identification & column numbers >>Type >>Dimensions >>Compliance of front panel, block diagram >>Handling devices Visual checks >>Paint (colour, homogeneity, finishing) >>No scratches and deformations Frame, structure >>Functioning of doors, swivelling front panels >>Locks (type,...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Electrical codes

Electrical codes are sets of rules established by governing bodies which state:   • Type of equipment to be used in a given situation • Appropriate use • Installation procedures, including how and where it should be installed Codes usually carry mandatory compliance, and can apply nationally or to a more limited area, such as a single local municipality. In any case,...

The new IEC 61439: better or worse than its predecessor 60439?

Improvements in IEC 61439 series compared to IEC 60439 series. The new document structure: Readability of the IEC 61439 has been improved compared to the IEC 60439 by implementing the new structure of the clauses: a) Clauses for normative reference and definitions are separated; b) Newly introduced in clause 4 is a table with all the typical units for LV systems; c) Also...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013