heaT DissipaTion in sealeD elecTrical enclosures
The accumulation of heat in an enclosure is potentially damaging to electrical and electronic devices. Overheating can shorten the life
expectancy of costly electrical components or lead to catastrophic failure.
enclosure maTerials
The following discussion applies to gasketed and unventilated enclosures. Higher temperature rises can be expected with unfinished
aluminum and unfinished stainless steel enclosures due to their material's less efficient radiant heat transfer. Non-metallic enclosures
have similar heat transfer characteristics to painted metallic enclosures, so the graph can be used directly despite the difference in
enclosure surface area
The physical size of the enclosure is the primary factor in determining its ability to dissipate heat. The larger the surface area of the
enclosure, the lower the temperature rise due to the heat generated within it.
To determine the surface area of an enclosure in square feet, use the following equation:
Surface Area = 2[(A x B) + (A x C) + (B x C)] ÷ 144
where the enclosure size is A x B x C in inches.
This equation includes all six surfaces of the enclosure. If any surface is not available for transferring heat (for example, an enclosure
surface mounted against a wall), that surface's area should be subtracted. Note: Enclosure volume cannot be used in place of surface area.
enclosure heaT inpuT
For any temperature rise calculation, the heat generated within the enclosure must be known. This information can be obtained from the
supplier of the components mounted in the enclosure.
enclosure TemperaTure rise (ΔT)
research has shown for every 18 f (10 c) rise above normal room
temperature 72 - 75 f (22 - 24 c), the reliability of electronic
components is cut in half.
The temperature rise illustrated by the curves in the Sealed
Enclosure Temperature Rise graph is the temperature difference
between the air inside a non-ventilated and non-cooled enclosure
and the ambient air outside the enclosure. This value is described
in the graph as a function of input power in watts per square
foot. In order to predict the temperature inside the enclosure,
the temperature rise indicated in the graph must be added to the
ambient temperature where the enclosure is located